Amiga forever!

At home I usually spend a lot of time in front of my trusty old Amiga 4000, developing cool stuff that never gets the acclaim it deserves. I'm a member of Triumph Software, which is a group that makes demos, utilities and the like. I'm best known for the following products:

Eclipse - 4th place at The Gathering 1997, demo compo
Dreamscape - 2nd place at The Gathering 1996, demo compo
Logla-1 - a full featured compiler in C++ that generates 68k based code and works!
XingPlay - An extremely fast Xing mpeg player with cybergfx support.

I'm especially interested in the following fields:

Video compression. I've made some variations on the mpeg format that I've used in some of my demos. In short, it has better compression, lower decrunch speed and full single frame control with only slightly lower quality.

Compilers. I've written one already, that produces executable code and has a pretty good object oriented design. If I have the time, I might just write another one that produces better code. An interesting area I'd like to explore is multiprocessing in functional languages that relies on recursion. Some of the groundwork is done, all I need is a 48 hour day so that I can do some serious work on it.

Raytracing. With the aid of my friend, Per C. Ødegård, I've taken his raytracer source apart and turned it into an engine that fits in just about 20k. I also did some fuzzy optimizations and used one version in an intro called Speed. It did not do real-time raytracing, but animations and still frames pretty ok on a 040. I'm working on an integer based version that could possibly do real time raytracing on a 060 or better (that %$&$%�# SAS compiler won't generate 040 code! argh!).

When I'm on the net, I use my ISDN connection. I have acquired an ISDN-Master II card which works flawlessly. Not only that, it also includes a cool answering machine. Only problem is that my Amiga has to be turned on 24 hours a day.